Offers a unique and high-quality product ā€“ the Cozy Knot Scrunchie

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Cozy knot scrunchie is unique and velvety for those looking for the comfort that only a muza scrunchie can provide. Each scrunchie is stitched and overlocked from carefully selected materials.

That’s why we went above and beyond to make our scrunchies comfy and secure, using specifically designed elastics that are ideal for all hair types. Quality is our top priority, which is why we carefully choose our materials, which are completely inspected and washed before use.


Iā€™m Zainab Nawfer

I am the founder of As a fashion designer, I frequently manufacture scrunchies to match my attire when I go to college. In the year 2020, I began creating scrunchies as gifts. I got obsessed with making scrunchies and then started to make them in large quantities, with the help of my mother, who assisted me in cutting fabrics, and my family, who continue to be pillars of strength in my efforts to establish this brand.

My passion for scrunchies began when I spotted an opportunity to turn them into a business. That’s how was born. It is more than a business; it is a zone dedicated to providing you with comfortable scrunchies.

Each scrunchie is stitched and overlocked from carefully selected materials


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